added various command-line options (see readme_commandline. Alien vs Predator 2 - Download Windows Games Action Alien vs Predator 2 Alien vs Predator 2 for Windows Trial version In English 3.added a console (see readme_console.txt).chat messages are now scaled on high resolutions.improved rendering performance of some 2D surfaces.

fixed a bug that causes black screens on Intel gpus (fix by thecanonmaster).added widescreen support, automatically calculated by the game.added raw mouse input (enabled by default, use +rawmouse 0 to disable).Bringing the legendary war between two of science-fiction’s most popular characters to FPS fans, AvP delivers three outstanding single player campaigns and provides untold hours of unique 3-way multiplayer gaming. the game will always keep the renderer active to prevent unexpected crashes Aliens vs Predator PC Game 2019 Overview.added borderless window mode (+borderless 1).unlocked all resolutions in the Graphics menu.fixed broken fonts on newer versions of Windows.Below is a full list of all updates made to the game so far with this release: Not only that, if you happen to have lost your original copy of AvP 2, they offer a complete download and installation (links below) which includes the full game and all officially released patches. Predator fans! The folks over on the fansite AvP Unknown have set up their own Master Server Patch for AvP2: Primal Hunt, allowing gamers to once again play this iconic PC shooter online. Aliens versus Predator 2: Primal Hunt has been restored along with online multiplayer functionality thanks to a group of dedicated Alien vs.